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Study Questions Reading Assignment 1-3

Study Questions

Q Study Questions Reading Assignment 1-3 1. At the beginning of Goethe's Faust, how do the Dedication, the Prelude in the Theater, and the Prologue in Heaven set in motion a series of dialectical opposites--that is, furiously opposed opposites that create important, unresolvable (perhaps) tensions in the creative and philosophical life? 2. When Faust is alone in his study at Night, what is the main source of his restlessness? 3. Goethe once said, "All of us live life, few have an idea about it." This memorable statement serves as the epigraph to the Yale University Press edition of Goethe's Faust, Part I. How does Goethe's statement inform the reading of Faust? 4. What pact does Faust make with Mephistopheles (Mephisto)? 5. How does Faust respond to Gretchen's question about whether he believes in God? In what way does his response test religious authority and convention?

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The Prelude and the Prologue are very crucial to the overall understanding of Goethe’s Faust. They set the rest of the story into motion. In the prelude a conversation takes place between the director, poet and a clown about what makes a good play. This was needed to intensify the understanding of the principles of life as discussed in the play.